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Smerte-app til børn

Aalborg University

Om donationen

En væsentlig klinisk udfordring i arbejdet med syge børn er, at de kan have svært ved at fortælle, hvor og hvordan det gør ondt. Dette projekt vil derfor udvikle en app, som vil gøre det muligt for børnene at kommunikere smertefornemmelserne på kroppen. App’en vil samtidig fungere som en slags journal, hvor alle, der har med barnets pleje og behandling at gøre, kan se ændringer over tid. En prototype app er allerede testet med succes. Den endelige app vil have en forbedret funktionalitet, større brugervenlighed og en klinisk validering af værktøjet, som sker i samarbejde med JMC – Rigshospitalets Klinik for Børneanæstesi. App’en ventes at udgøre et betydeligt fremskridt i forhold til at kunne placere og præcisere børns smerter.
Aalborg University
Støttet beløb
406.350 kr., år 2014

Donationsmodatagerens egen vurdering af effekten af donationen


Børn, Unge, Sygdomsramte


I hvor høj grad er I lykkedes med at forankre projektet?

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The project was implemented successfully but not without challenges and limitations. One of the biggest limitations was that the development occurred in Nordjylland but the testing occurred in Jylland making travel and the local push for the project more difficult. In retrospect the project would have benefited from having additional local collaborators so easier testing and the facilitation of testing could have been done more effectively and efficiently. The main challenge was getting the final development into a platform that would be ready for public use. The research and development of the animation sprites are still on-going as pain and its communication are a highly complex and personal experience. With that said, the most challenging conceptual aspects of the project have been carried out and the results obtained thus far are highly encouraging.


I hvor høj grad blev målet med jeres projekt indfriet?

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The animation sprites have been successfully created, and its now possible to recreate in real-time sensations which capture quality aspects of pain area and location such as burning, tingling, stabbing, itching, and coldness. All of which can be used to better determine the source of on-going pain and discomfort such as the side-effects of medication, infections, inflammations, and musculature pain. The Animation sprites are currently still be tested, evaluated and fined-tuned. The project has also performed 160 interviews with children regarding the use of color and patterns in the animation sprites and this data is in manuscript form. We aim to publish the result within the next 12 months. A limitation of this project is that the R&D platform used to develop the animations is not compatible with all types of devices and mobile platform - meaning it is not an APP that can simply be downloaded. Over the last 12 months the applicant is pushing to bring this technology out to the public but this will require additional software development, consideration of new data security legislation, and integration within the clinical workflow present on-going challenges. The project as whole has been a highly creative process which as used the talents of game developers, artists, software developers, pain scientists and nurses.


I hvor høj grad var de valgte aktiviteter de rigtige til at nå jeres mål?

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We have been able to accomplish the first two goals however the development of a user friendly-interface design requires much more effort and time then what was available for the project financing. This is mainly the result of the complexity of creating and testing the animation sprites. The time needed to set up larger clinical studies using a digital platform that is common to most patients. In retrospect it would be better to have focused primarily on the R&D and then seek additional help to push out the technology to the public as this task is often beyond the resources of a Unviersity environment and requires industry partners within the Medtech environment. With that said, the applicant is still pursuing the push and has begun laying the foundation for this to occur.