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TrygFonden SammenOmDemens App

Syddansk Universitet

Om donationen

Donationen går til udviklingen af en app, SammenOmDemens, der kan hjælpe demente og deres pårørende i hverdagen. Appen skal motivere til at deltage i det sociale liv og komme ud fra hjemmet – og give virtuel hjælp til at finde hjem igen. Appen vil også nudge den demente til at træne fysiske og kognitive færdigheder, ligesom pårørende skal tilbydes viden om den bedste støtte til demente. Appen udvikles i et samarbejde mellem Syddansk Universitet og Nyborg Kommune. Udviklingssamarbejdet med en kommune skal sikre, at løsningen er relevant og brugbar for andre kommuner.
Syddansk Universitet
Støttet beløb
1.339.800 kr., år 2018

Donationsmodatagerens egen vurdering af effekten af donationen




I hvor høj grad er I lykkedes med at forankre projektet?

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We did not do much of anchoring at national level the main reason being that there were money for the project administrator for only two years. When COVID came we were not yet advanced so much to apply for other fundings and we had to renounce to her support. We did talk to a consortium within SDU and as part of that we made initial applications but they were turned down. We took contact with the Alzheimerforeningen but they told to get back when the project was finished.


I hvor høj grad blev målet med jeres projekt indfriet?

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With respect to the text above: - we did not implement the nudging component - we did not implement functions to diagnose or monitor the degree of dementia - we did not implement the possibility for the app to function on a smartwatch - the help component uses only location data to understand if a person has lost his/her way In addition, we did not test the app in real-life settings as we wished but only on a small selected reference group and in simulated settings. We did all the rest.


I hvor høj grad var de valgte aktiviteter de rigtige til at nå jeres mål?

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The activities were the right ones and we did pursue all of them. We had to outsource the development of the front-end of the app mainly because of an underestimation of the needed economical resources. This has been the weak point of the project. We needed a continuous development of the app both for the partecipatory design approach that we pursued and for the challenge of developing for several platforms in continuous evolution. We lacked a business plan to involve an external partner.